Although populations can
fluctuate significantly from year to year, population estimates
for the following species are (2006 data): Moose 141,000
Elk 33,000 Whitetail 270,000
Mule Deer 175,000
Black Bear 35,000
Alberta residents can
hunt 10 species of big game animals including: antelope, black
bear, buffalo, cougar, elk, goat, moose, mule deer, sheep,
whitetail deer, plus coyotes and wolves.
Approximately 100,000
Wildlife Certificates are sold annually in Alberta.
Alberta is divided into
about 180 Wildlife Management Units (WMU's).
Total area of the
province is 6,661,185 square kilometers (2,571,886 sq miles)
Highest Point - Mount
Columbia - 3747 m.
Lowest Point - Shore of
Lake Athabasca - 152 m.
Present Population -
Edmonton and Calgary
have roughly 1,000,000 each.
Anthony Hendy - an
employee of the Hudson's Bay Company - is believed to be the 1st
European to set foot in Alberta in the year 1754.
Canada has the 2nd
largest crude oil reserves. Most reserves are in Alberta's
Oil Sands - over 174 billion barrels.
Alberta has more land in
crop and livestock than the state of Nebraska - about 52 million
Alberta Cattle and Calf
inventories are about 6 million head.
Forest covers about 60 %
of Alberta's total land base. 75 million seedlings are
planted annually.
Provincial Flower is the
Wild Rose.